What is the Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA)?

The Work Injury Compensation Act (WICA) lets employees make claims for work-related injuries or diseases without having to file a civil suit. It allows compensation claims to be settled at a much lower cost and a much quicker pace. If you are an employee that is injured in a work accident or suffered a disease [...]

2023-12-07T16:11:29+08:00February 18th, 2022|Questions and Answers|

Is it easy to get employment in Singapore?

Singapore has a very tight labour market when it comes to certain sectors. The Singapore government plays a significant role in determining the types of industries that will drive the Singapore economy and this, in turn, creates jobs in these growing industries. A few of the notable growth sectors are finance, healthcare and technology. The [...]

2023-10-27T11:09:24+08:00January 17th, 2022|Questions and Answers|

Are there laws in Singapore to govern employment?

The simple answer to this is yes! There is the Employment Act which governs employment practices in Singapore. However, there are limitations as to who the Employment Act will apply to. Generally, the relationship between the employer and employee in Singapore is spelt out within the employment contract between the two parties. In Singapore, parties, [...]

2023-10-27T11:09:39+08:00January 11th, 2022|Questions and Answers|

Can I apply for an LOC as a DP holder?

If you are a business owner, you are eligible to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) to work. To be eligible, you will need to be one of the following business owners: The sole proprietor of an ACRA-registered business; or A partner of an ACRA-registered business; or A company director with at least 30% shareholding [...]

2023-10-26T17:50:36+08:00December 29th, 2021|Questions and Answers|
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