On September 26, 2023, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) pressed charges against four foreign nationals for allegedly engaging in unauthorized employment as food delivery riders in Singapore. They were accused of working without valid work permits, and two Singaporeans and one Permanent Resident (PR) were also charged with alleged complicity in these activities. They were believed to have provided unauthorized access to their food delivery platform accounts to these foreign riders, despite being aware of their lack of valid work permits. These actions are in violation of the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (EFMA).
MOM has been collaborating with major food delivery platforms to improve their procedures and prevent the misuse of accounts by unauthorized individuals. Additionally, MOM and the platforms have jointly launched educational campaigns to advise riders against sharing or permitting the use of their food delivery accounts by foreign individuals. These educational materials have been distributed through the communication channels of the food delivery platforms.
Penalties for Unlawful Employment Foreigners who engage in self-employment without a valid work pass may face fines of up to $20,000, imprisonment for a maximum of two years, or both. Upon conviction, they will be permanently barred from working in Singapore.
Local delivery platform workers who are found to have allowed foreign individuals to use their accounts may be subject to the same penalties as the foreign individuals involved.
If you have any company-related queries, you may email us at [email protected]. When in doubt, seek legal advice or consult an experienced licensed Employment Agency with the Ministry of Manpower.
Yours Sincerely,
The editorial team at Singapore Employment Agency
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Little Big Employment Agency Pte Ltd is a licensed Employment Agency with the Ministry of Manpower with license number 19C9790.